Jenae and I made it to the Malmö Airport really early so we had breakfast at the 7eleven while we waited to check in. Our flight was right on time and we landed in Stockholm around 2pm. We were expecting snow and overcast skies, but when we got off the plane the sun was shining and the sky was clear! It was amazing weather to wander around the city, which we did for the entire afternoon.

We were able to find a bus to the Stockholm central station, which is in the center of everything and about a 10 minute walk from the "old town" island of Gamla Stan. The picture above was taken right across from Gamla Stan, by a really nice Swedish couple who told us how lucky we were to have the nice weather for our trip (apparently, this time of year sunshine is a rarity).

For lunch we stopped at a street vendor and had a typical Swedish meal called "varmkorv" (pictured above), it's a hot dog or sausage with mashed potatoes in a pita type bread (many thanks to Susan Larson for the suggestion!).

We spent a couple hours walking around Gamla Stan, where we saw the palace and parliament buildings. That part of Stockholm is really great (and a little touristy- there is one street where every other storefront is a tourist shop), there are so many little cobble stone side streets that spider through the island.

This is the Royal Opera House, where we bought tickets for a performance the following night.

After walking around the city all afternoon, we took the train out to our hotel which was near the international conference center (about 10 minutes on the train from Stockholm Central). We found a little Indian food restaurant near the hotel for dinner. It was different than Indian food in the States, but it was really good!
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