The lecture ended a lot earlier than I expected so I was able to get a train to the airport in plenty of time. On the train to Copenhagen, I saw a baby that was dressed in an all knitted jumper who looked like the human version of a Waldorf doll. Once at the airport I checked in and waited around for my flight.
My flight to London was pretty uneventful, I sat in between a girl who spent the entire flight examining her split ends- one strand at a time, and a business man. I had to go through British immigration and the officer got annoyed with me because I didn't have the actual address of where I would be staying... but she let me through anyway! My flight to Manchester was supposed to be on time, but we sat on the runway for almost an hour waiting to take off. Because of this, I missed the last train from Manchester to Liverpool from the airport. So I had to take the train to Manchester Center and get a train from the to Liverpool- which was also running 30 minutes behind. My trip felt like it was all "hurry up and wait" till the end. I finally got on the train to Liverpool and was able to relax for the hour long ride.
When I got to Liverpool, the next challenge was finding the club where my friend Brittany was playing that night. I had written out directions in my little book, but just as in so many European cities, there are almost no street signs. So I wandered in what I thought to be the correct direction, and I turned out to be right! I found the Cavern Club really quickly! I got in and went down to see if Brittany had already gone on yet, but I got there just in time! She was about to go on! So I guess my being two hours later than I planed had still worked out.. Brittany was really great, and the band she played with was also great. They were releasing their EP (which is available at for only £4 if anyone is interested) and there was a pretty good size crowd there. After the show we all went out to a bar for the after party. One of Brittany's friends from Wisconsin, Nick, and I went with the guitar player to help carry some of the gear and so he could give us a ride.
So the question of the night was: how many musicians does it take to get a whole band's worth of equipment into a little hatchback? It was funny, we got most of the stuff in and Nick and I both were able to squeeze in along with the equipment. I got to sit in the back and make sure the keyboard didn't fall and crash through the window.... so it was a typical night for a musician, I felt right at home! We got to the after party, and Brit had reserved the back room in a pretty cool bar. We sat around and chatted, I met a musician who was an LA native so we talked for a while about LA! We didn't stay too long because Nick and I had both been traveling all day to get there so we were pretty tired.
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