Our third day in Stockholm was just as nice as our first in terms of weather. The sun was out again and it was fairly warm. We walked to a food market that Jenae had read about called Östermalms Saluhall. It was amazing!! So much fresh food all through the large open room. The room had lots of vendors spread out over the floor, selling all types of fresh food as well as several restaurant type stands with gourmet food.

We wandered around for a bit, just taking it all in- all the smells and noise of a busy market. We got there right around lunch time, so there were a lot of business types there for their lunch breaks.

We decided on a food stand called "Tysta Mari", which has a chef on staff and a changing lunch menu. The woman taking our order saw our confused expressions while we were trying to figure out the Swedish menu, and gave us menus in English (we were not the only ones who were confused, a few people behind us were also handed English menus). I had the meatloaf in a red wine sauce with mashed potatoes (above), and Jenae ordered the fresh cod with a butter sauce and boiled potatoes topped with horseradish (below). Both were really great!

After lunch we walked to an island called "Djurgården" which has a zoo and really beautiful gardens (well, it was beautiful covered in snow, but I'm sure it's even more beautiful in full bloom).

Jenae was super excited about all the snow on the ground and went running off the path to stomp in the fresh snow....

It was a great afternoon of wandering through the gardens and seeing all the fresh snow!
Love, love, love your blog! You and Jenae look so happy soaking in all the sights and sounds.